How to Grow Culantro / Recao / Eryngium foetidum

How to Grow Culantro / Recao / Eryngium Foetidum

Peat Pellets! April 17, 2010

Filed under: garden,growing,seeds — jelliott04 @ 10:06 am

I started some culantro seeds today in the Jiffy Windowsill Greenhouse. Put warm water in the bottom, watch the pellets grow and drop your seeds in. Cover and wait. 🙂


I have the 12 count green houses and I have two with culantro seeds and on different windowsills in my house. We’ll have to see if they grow the same but I think they will since they are on the same side of the house.

What I’m wondering about is once my seeds sprout and I replant the peat pot, do I need to cut out the bottom to let the roots grow through? I’m think the little netting would be easy for the roots to go through but I’m not sure. Of course all my speculation is putting the cart before the horse so to speak.


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